July 13, 2009

Starting to start

This is the beginning of a "work in progress." In other words, a collection of stories I have to part with, otherwise they will plague my brain with silly images and words free falling into the demise of my sanity...whoa, that is deep and I don't even know what it means. Let's just say, there are some stories I have been dying to tell you all. I am currently busting my butt to become what they call a "writer", an interesting profession since nowadays everyone writes everyday. Hundreds upon hundreds of emails, text messages, tweets (?) and PINs (???) are exchanged to create exponentially multiplying threads of dialogue in an electronic medium that is dependent on one's ability to articulate his/her thoughts on screen. I realize that I am setting myself up to be the butt of all criticism, because after all, now that we are all writers and we write everyday, I have to be damn good to get through the clutter. So why have I decided to opt for a profession on an IV, that requires me to work-24/7-until-the-book/article-is-done? Why would I set myself up for failure? Faith. Hope. Insanity. All these emotions fuel my decisions, annoying me most days, but on some days, when the moment is just right, they give me the strength to write something worth...well, reading. Here I go. You are more than welcome to follow.

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